Hi there! My name is Tis Scott and I am the CEO at Mothers Earth LLC, as well as the creator of the holistic oral care product line, Down to Earth Tooth Dirt ™.
Years ago, I discovered that I am allergic to conventional toothpaste. I was alarmed when I noticed a film like build-up inside my mouth each time I brushed my teeth using traditional toothpaste. This distasteful discovery immediately led me to become proactive in my own healing. And after long-term research, I concluded that the main ingredients in conventional toothpaste, such as fluoride, sulfates, and parabens, were actually causing me to have adverse reactions. So, I discontinued the use of regular toothpaste and replaced it with an “all natural” paste just to discover that it also had the same affect.
Through trial and error and lots of research on the oral biome, brain health, heart health, and the body’s natural detoxification process, I set out on a journey of creativity and determination to heal myself using only ingredients from the Earth herself. As a result, Down to Earth Tooth Dirt ™ and our sister products/services were created.
Oral and body care has become my passion as well as my purpose. I am constantly educating myself on oral hygiene, Ayurvedic medicine, and other practices of our ancestors not only for myself, but as well as others. I am a firm believer in using nature to heal, as our ancestors did, which is why I took some of our Mothers finest creations and formulated my own masterpieces.
I hope you love them!